Enhanced Security & Risk Management solution - SAS!

According to Gartner, in virtualised environments "... above all, organizations should not rely on host-based security controls to detect a compromise or protect anything running below it."

Enhanced Security & Risk Management solution - SAS!

According to Gartner, in virtualised environments "... above all, organizations should not rely on host-based security controls to detect a compromise or protect anything running below it."

SAS powered Advanced Analytics again provides unique potential to provide innovative and alternative techniques to cross check and detect intrusive behaviours that may be a pre-curser to a compromise of the hypervisor layer.

According to ARN report by Julia Talevski, with the current "bumpy economic ride, many organisations are looking at how to get more out of the IT equipment they have, and what investments can bring about serious cash savings. Virtualisation has become an integral part of the solution, but it comes with a fresh set of challenges around security."

"Securing virtual environments, whether it be at the desktop, server, network, application or storage level, is a crucial component to any virtual strategy. With the security threat landscape constantly evolving, putting all company resources into a centralised virtual environment without a comprehensive security game plan is a gamble no organisation should willingly take"

Kohlbahdin solutions leverage SAS IT Intelligence to provide an important competitive advantage to customers, complementing other security solutions and integrating them into a strong analytical weapon for improving IT security in your organisation.

Little has changed in 2013 compared to 2008. The Verizon Business 2008 Data Breach Investigations Report contains firsthand information on actual security breaches. See also the Verizon 2008 Data Breach Investigations supplemental report.

Breaches studied may be represented more than once in the following statistics.

73% resulted from external sources

18% were caused by insiders

39% implicated business partners

30% involved multiple parties

62% were attributed to a significant error

59% resulted from hacking and intrusions

31% incorporated malicious code

22% exploited a vulnerability

15% were due to physical threats

66% involved data the victim did not know was on the system

75% of breaches were not discovered by the victim

83% of attacks were not highly difficult

85% of breaches were the result of opportunistic attacks

87% were considered avoidable through reasonable controls

Recommendations included:

  • Ensure essential controls are met
  • Find, track, and assess data
  • Monitor event logs

With a comprehensive SAS Powered Kohlbahdin solution for enterprise wide security management, we consolidate security data from event logs, access control systems, HR systems and any other system that can provide a unique and holistic view of security status across the enterprise.

SAS Powered Advanced Analytics from Kohlbahdin includes innovative approaches such as the use of Nueral Networks to learn from and process large volumes of security data and detect intrusive behaviours and patterns. Typical solutions would include matching HR data with other business and systems data to build an enterprise wide security profile and report on security risks. Security incidents can be further analysed using advanced statistical techniques to predict possible targeting of systems.

Our consultants work with your organisation to bring every possible source of security intelligence into our enterprise solutions, providing important intelligence to those tasked with managing security risks, making your data and business safer.